The People's Republic of New Mexico

The People's Republic of New Mexico is a genuine workers' state in which the people are liberated from the burdens of choice and tyranny of intellectual confusion.

The workers, peasants, stasi, and intellectuals are the true masters of their destiny and are in a unique position to defend their interests.


All peoples aspire to the greatness
of the great socialist state!

Our Great Democratic Leaders from Santa Fe gift each child of New Mexico $9,582 in annual education spending!

This is almost as much as the land of illusory freedoms to the east known as "Texas" (may it ever wither in the shadow of our great socialist state). The lies perpetuated by the Texans that their liberty-addled students, not blessed with the wisdom of Santa Fe, outperform the children of New Mexico must be false!

The evil mendacity of the Texans-may they dry up in the sun-does not acknowledge the fabulous hats that New Mexico's education leaders bless us with."

New Mexico

The great State of New Mexico is located under the feet of our Supreme Leader Michelle Lujan Grisham.

The enlightened peoples of New Mexico live in and around Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Taos. Persons with imperfect understandings of New Mexico's socialist ideals reside elsewhere and have fallen from our Dear Leader's grace.

Our Supreme Leader Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham



Rumors of the beloved leader touching the penises of peasants are disputed!

Remember, the loving touch of the SUNSHINE WALKER bestows blessings upon all members!